Exploring Developing Economies Committee
APMP’s Developing Economies Committee (DEC)’s primary objective is to support developing economies NMIs/DIs in the building of capabilities and achievement of international recognition of these capabilities.
The DEC Chair, Task Force Leads and TCxx-DEC Champions are responsible for the implementation of the DEC Strategic Plan. They are responsible for: initiating, prioritizing and proposing activities, including applying for DEC funding as needed to support their work programs; and implementing, reporting, monitoring & evaluating on activities, working with the DEC Coordination Committee. This may include submitting requests for project extension, termination, and/or other substantial changes.
Roles of TFs are; The DEC Leadership & Management Task Force is supporting DENs to build leadership and management skills; The DEC Capacity Building Task Force will organize basic capacity building and mentoring activities to support members from least developed economies. The DEC Knowledge Management System Task Force is a comprehensive knowledge repository encompassing members' needs, training offerings, expert availability, key publications, and various other resources. It is an internal and digital system dedicated to creating, capturing, storing, organizing, distributing and updating knowledge CMC Task Force Supports for DENs in preparing their first Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CMCs) for publication. The DEC Focus Group Task Force will foster participation by DENs in APMP’s Focus Groups. Mindful of the advances in science and technology, the DEC Future Proofing Task Force will support DENs to adapt, adopt and engage in new technologies.
The APMP TCxx-DEC Champions have been designated to advocate for the needs of developing economy NMIs (DENs) and their participation in APMP’s Technical Committees. They work closely with the DEC Chair and DEC Task Forces to deliver on their role and responsibilities.
With all these arms APMP-DEC connects with Technical Committees, Focus Groups & other APMP bodies appropriately to address the needs of APMP member Developing Economies NMIs/DIs (DENs).
Contributor: Mr. S D I Dias, MUSSD, Sri Lanka