Materials Metrology
TCMM is APMP's Technical Committee for Materials Metrology
Measurement and precise control of material properties is essential for a broad range of industries. However the metrology that underpins such measurements and ensures that they are reproducible, representative and traceable is still in development.
TCMM is a multidisciplinary committee with a focus on metrology and traceability for materials properties and measurements. Areas covered includes nanometrology, graphene, physico-chemical characterisation of nano- and advanced materials, ultra-thin film thickness, tensile strength etc.
TCMM experts organize and participate in regional supplementary comparisons and pilot studies and link to the CIPM (e.g. CCL WGN and CCQM SAWG) by partnering with other APMP TCs, such as TCL, TCM, TCT etc.
As the measurands for materials property measurements are often method-dependant, TCMM also engages with documentary standards organisations such as ISO, and with pre-normative standards development organisations such as VAMAS (Versailles project on Advanced Materials and Standards The TCMM Chair is the contact point for APMP cooperation with VAMAS.
For TCMM meetings and workshops, please refer to