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APMP Awards

APMP sets up five types of Award, namely APMP AwardAPMP Technical Activity AwardAPMP Young Metrologist PrizeAPMP Award for Developing EconomiesAPMP Young Metrologist Prize for Developing Economies.

APMP Award
It will be presented to individual(s) who have made a significant contribution to the development of metrology in the Asia Pacific region, in recognition of their achievement and to encourage activities in support of the objectives of APMP.
APMP Technical Activity Award
It is intended for an individual who has made a significant contribution to the development of metrology in the Asia Pacific region, in recognition of their achievement and to encourage activities in support of the objectives of APMP.
APMP Award for Developing Economies
It is intended to highlight the contributions from and recognize the outstanding achievements of an individual (or individuals) from APMP’s Developing Economies in advancing the status of metrology in their economy and/or within the region”. The honor is not only to praise an individual’s achievement but also to encourage others within APMP’s DEN community in years to come.
APMP Young Metrologist Prize
Formerly known as the IIZUKA Prize, it is intended for young scientists from APMP Full Member NMIs, who have made remarkable achievements in metrology research and/or have made outstanding contributions to the development of metrology capacity of an economy or the region.
APMP Young Metrologist Prize for Developing Economies
It pairs with the existing APMP Young Metrologist Prize, to honor young metrologists from developing economies. The Prize was established to recognize the efforts of recipients in delivering impact within these economies.


APMP Award
Year 2022
Dr. Toshiyuki Takatsuji
NMIJ, Japan
I am honored to receive the APMP Award. The development of quality infrastructure is essential for the future development of society, and I am pleased to have been able to contribute to the activities of the APMP, which plays an integral role the quality infrastructure. In addition to its diverse and positive activities, APMP prides itself on its friendly atmosphere. It has been a valuable and enjoyable experience for me to work together with many colleagues in this atmosphere. I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Takehiro Morioka and Ms. Mikiko Akaoka, my secretaries, for their great cooperation in helping me to successfully complete my term as Chair. The Asia-Pacific region will lead the world in the future, both academically and industrially, and I wish APMP’s continued growth and success.
Year 2021
Dr. Thomas Liew
I am greatly humbled and honored to receive the APMP Award. Thank you for the privilege and opportunity to serve and to work with APMP colleagues on the many interesting programs over the years. Your warm, generous, and collaborative spirit makes APMP a great and attractive environment to support each other in developing metrology capabilities in a region of growing world trade and manufacturing. It is great to see initiative like the Focus Groups grow and evolve into a useful collaborative platform to address regional grand challenges.

Special thanks too to my ASEAN colleagues, especially Professor Prayoon Shiowattana and Dr Sivinee Sawatdiaree, my partners in crime in establishing the ASEAN Expert Group on Metrology. We had a lot of fun figuring out how to progress metrology to support the ASEAN Economic Community vision.

Last but not least, this award is possible due to the unwavering support of colleagues at ASTAR NMC and the HSA.
APMP Young Metrologist Prize
Year 2021
Dr. Xiang Ding

NIM, China
Thank APMP for awarding me as the 2021 APMP Young Metrologist and it is my great honor to receive this award. I would like to give my sincere gratitude to Mr FANG Xiang, director of NIM and Ms LIU Wenli, director of Center for Medical Metrology of NIM for offering opportunities and supporting young scientists like me. Since I joined NIM in 2009 and joined the big family of APMP in 2014, I have received continuous help and support from many colleagues and friends. I would also like to give my appreciation to them all and share with them the pleasure and honor of receiving this award. We have been experiencing a tough time since early 2020 but we are staying together closely to fight against COVID-19. I am inspired and happy to contribute my effort to such a great organization in this fight and support each other with all APMP members. Let’s fight together and we will defeat it!
Year 2021
Ms. Pui Sze Cheow

HSA, Singapore
Thank you for granting me the Young Metrologist Award. I would like to express my utmost gratitude to the APMP Executive Committee and the APMP Award Advisory Committee. I am truly honoured and humbled to have been selected for this distinguished award.
I am particularly indebted to the HSA Senior Management for the nomination. Although I am receiving this honour, the award truly belongs to my former and current bosses, and the excellent teams that I have worked with at various phases of my career. I would also like to express sincere thanks to colleagues from our counterpart metrology institutes for their kind support and opportunities.
Receiving this award will bolster my confidence and efforts as a Metrologist to contribute even more to the metrology community, as well as our local and regional stakeholders.
Thank you APMP again for this recognition.
Year 2020
Dr. Lianhua Dong

NIM, China
It's my great honor to be awarded the APMP Young Scientist Award. I would like to thank the APMP Award Advisory Committee for your very kind recognition, and thank my parent institute, the National Institute of Metrology (NIM), China for all the experiences and learnings I got there.
As a researcher in biological metrology field, I always hope I am able to contribute my research to protect people’s health and improve the quality of life. This is in particular our responsibility in 2020 when the whole world was facing with the unprecedented severe impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the year, I and my colleagues in NIM life science team had worked almost to our full capacity to establish reference materials and high-accuracy testing methods that can support reliable coronavirus testing and enhance the international exchange on this topic. Some of my colleagues have worked very hard tolerating pains on their bodies to calibrate medical instruments used in hospitals. In the future, I hope I will be able to do more in transferring the existing knowledge to more APMP members in need. Thank you very much and I wish everyone a healthy and lucky new year!
APMP Award for Developing Economies
Year 2021
Dr. Sutthinun Taebunpakul

NIMT, Thailand
I feel deeply honored to receive the 2021 APMP Award for Developing Economies, and to work in collaboration with colleagues from the Asia-Pacific region. I do have many people to thank who have made it possible for me to receive this; most of whom have been colleagues at one time or another, all of whom have made important contribution to life.
Life is like a mirror. When you knit your brows, the mirror looks unpleasant. If you keep smiling, it reflects nicely in return. As long as you wish to see smiling in mirror rather than being stressful and you desire to develop yourself, it will empower your mind to achieve your dream as your imagination. Likewise, as metrologists, when we are happy to build and share measurement capabilities, we all have high hopes in common of ultimate goal for the benefit of mankind.
Year 2020
Dr. Sanjay Yadav

NPL, India
It was indeed a huge honor for me to be awarded with “2020 APMP Award for Developing Economies” by APMP General Assembly. In fact, I am the 2nd winner of this prestigious APMP award from CSIR-NPL, India. Actually, receiving an appreciation or recognition of your work which you have done in past is not only a great feeling but also is a huge responsibility to work with more enthusiasm and zeal in future. I am very fortunate to work in the NMI of India with outstanding colleagues as well as colleagues from APMP and SAARC nations. My research would have not been accomplished without their cooperation. On this occasion, I deeply express my thanks to all of them for their kind cooperation. In the future, I will continue to do my best for further development of metrological activities for the society. In such endeavors, if any further responsibility is given by APMP at any time, I would be more than happy to contribute to best of my potential. Finally, I thank all the members of APMP Award Committee and APMP Secretariat for considering me for this award.
APMP Technical Activity Award
Year 2021
Dr. Jan Herrmann

EC member (2017 GA - 2021 GA)
NMIA, Australia
I feel very privileged to have had the opportunity to contribute to the important work of the APMP Executive Committee, and I have greatly benefited from the experience and the collective wisdom that my APMP colleagues have shared so generously. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with such a great group of colleagues at our many meetings, in person and online, and also sharing some wonderful times at social occasions in a number of beautiful places across our region. I am very grateful for that experience and learnt much from it. It will be great to see APMP continue to strengthen its engagement with stakeholders in industry and the community and to support its member institutes and their economies, be it in current areas of focus such as supporting the pandemic response and recovery, and in pursuit of new opportunities such as in digital transformation. I wish APMP much success in that important work, and I hope to be able to continue contributing in some way.
Year 2021
Dr. Yon-Kyu Park

EC member (2017 GA - 2021 GA)
KRISS, Korea
My first APMP attendance was in 2002 to win the APMP young metrologist prize, at that time Iizuka prize. The winning the prize influenced me so much in terms of measurement standards and international cooperation.
My career can be developed together with the APMP, therefore I always thank to APMP.
My role in the EC was the liaison between the EC and TC as well as the FG for climate change and clean air. I was so happy to support the TCs’ and FGs’ activities, mainly by operating the TCI and FGI program. I’d like to thank to TC chairs and FG chairs for their contribution to APMP.
With the closing my 4 years’ term as an EC member, APMP granted me an APMP Technical Activity Award. I’d like to express by sincere gratitude to all APMP members for giving me an opportunity to work for APMP and giving me the valuable award.
Year 2021
Dr. Ryuzo Horiuchi

TCAUV Chair (2018 GA - 2021 GA)
I am indeed honored to serve as TCAUV Chair for three years and receive an APMP Technical Activity Award. I appreciate TCAUV members, TC Chairs, Lead TC Chairs, EC members, APMP Chairs and Secretariats, and hosting NMIs for their kind supports during my term. It was very fortune that I could talk with friendly APMP colleagues. I would like to thank TCAUV colleagues, especially pilot NMIs of key-comparisons, overseers of TCI projects, and members of WG on CMC review for their great efforts. TCAUV is relatively small community, and it is not unusual that the same person takes several roles. I also would like to thank Dr. Kang, Dr. Samuel, and Ms. Weigelt for supporting realization of the sound level meter project. I hope I can continue to work with APMP colleagues for further development of APMP. Best wishes to APMP.
Year 2021
Dr. Hyung-Kew Lee

TCEM Chair (2018 GA - 2021 GA)
KRISS, Korea
First, I would like to thank the APMP Chairperson and all the EC members for this award. I also would like to appreciate the help from APMP secretariat. It has been great honor for me to contribute to APMP as a TCEM chair for the last three years. The transition to KCDB2.0 and management of peer reviews in the middle of pandemic have not been easy. Despite these difficulties, TCEM managed to complete six CMC reviews with the help from review board members. I really feel grateful to them for their support. Finally, I would like to congratulate Dr. Meng Yusong on being the next chair. I am sure that he will do his job better than me. I hope that next year will be better for all of us.
Year 2021
Dr. Sheng-Jui CHEN

TCM Chair (2018 GA - 2021 GA)
CMS/ITRI, Chinese Taipei
I am so honored that I had this opportunity to serve as the TCM chair, and return my tiny efforts to the TCM, such a big family. I am very grateful to my institute CMS/ITRI for all the support during my term. I'd also like to thank APMP Chair, Secretariat, EC members, TC Chairs, Lead TC Chair and DEC chair for your guidance and support. I feel very fortunate to be able to work with so many of you talented people, I can always learn something from you during every meeting, tea break chat and most importantly the Karaoke GA dinner. Finally, I want to congratulate Dr. Titus from CSIR-NPL India the new TCM chair, I trust that you are our right choice and I feel confident (and happy) to pass all the chair's burden to you now. All the best to APMP and TCM.
Year 2021
Dr. Haiyong Gan

TCPR Chair (2018 GA - 2021 GA)
NIM, China
Serving as the chair of the technical committee of photometry and radiometry is a wonderful experience in my career. It's such an honorable and serious mission to lead the work of promoting the knowledge sharing, the comparisons, the strategic planning, as well as the harmonic friendship with regional experts in the field of optical measurement and beyond. Thanks to all my colleagues who maintained their professionalism and enthusiasm so that everything works out smoothly and successfully in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic. It's amazing that over one hundred CMCs submitted from many NMIs have been approved for JCRB review. I'll only regret that I couldn't go to Sydney due to injury so I've missed the chances to meet my colleagues in person for all past three years! However, we will finally meet again when the COVID-19 virus is beaten. And before that happens, I'll always be virtually with all my dear friends in APMP.
Year 2021
Dr. Kazumi Inagaki

TCQM Chair (2018 GA - 2021 GA)
TCQM became one of the biggest TCs in APMP, and still be in grow-up for covering large chemical and biological metrology. We have a wonderful culture for sharing knowledge and experiences to build up our metrological capabilities, and I was very happy to contribute for the culture as the chair. Unfortunately, we have not had a face-to-face meeting due to COVID-19 pandemic, but I do believe that we will meet in real soon with happy smiles.
Year 2021
Dr. Inseok Yang

TCT Chair(2018 GA - 2021 GA)
KRISS, Korea
It has been my privilege and honor to work as the APMP TCT chair for the past three years. I thank all members of the TCT and the leadership of the APMP for working with me during my term. During my term as the TCT chair, KCDB 2.0 was launched, and we needed to adapt to this new system. Also, there has been the global pandemic that changed the way we meet. These have been challenging tasks, but I am very glad and grateful that, with the help from all of you, I was able to hand over the chair of the TCT to the good hands of our next chair, Dr. Hisashi Abe of NMIJ/AIST.
Year 2020
Dr. Takatsuji Toshiyuki

EC member (2019 - 2020)
Six years had passed since I first became an EC member including the time of being the APMP chair. This period was filled with good and unforgettable memories. Taking advantage of this opportunity I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to all of my best friends in APMP. Thanks to various and enormous supports by the members of APMP, I was able to complete my duty. APMP is now becoming the most important RMO geographically, demographically, economically, and scientifically. Another important point of APMP is its warm and friendly atmosphere which I love very much. I wish APMP keeps playing an indispensable role in the world metrological community and all members happy and safe in this extraordinary time.
Year 2020
Dr. Chu-Shik Kang

Lead TC Chair (2017 - 2020)
KRISS, Korea
It was indeed my great honor and pleasure to serve as Lead TC Chair of APMP for 3 years. I would like to thank all TC Chairs, Lead TC Chairs, EC members, APMP Chairs and Secretariat staffs I worked with throughout my term, as I would not have been able to complete my duty without their cooperation and support.
Although I may not seem so, I am a visually impaired person having macular degeneration in both eyes, having most of my central vision lost. As it is difficult to read documents or do computer works, I had to spend much more time and energy to fulfill my responsibility compared to unimpaired people. In this sense, I would like to thank myself for overcoming the handicap and finishing the duty without any serious problem.
Although I step aside, I will always support APMP when needed, and always wish APMP continued success!
Year 2020
Dr. Shimada Takashi

Chair of TCFF (2017GA -2020GA)
I am very honored to receive this award. I would like to express my deep appreciation for supports from TCFF colleagues during my term of three and a half years including my term as the acting chair. It was my pleasure to meet all TCFF members who brought me smile anytime and anywhere. I would like to give my special thanks to Dr. LI Chunhui of NIM as the former Vice TCFF Chair and Dr. CHEONG Kar-Hooi of NMIJ as the former TCFF Secretary who helped me in TCFF coordination very well. Thanks to the great support by EC members, other TC Chairs, the Secretariat and the members in the host NMIs, my mission could be completed. I wish I can continue to work with the friendly and hospitable APMP colleagues to contribute to the APMP activities.
Year 2020
Dr. Jariya Buajarern

Chair of TCL (2017 – 2020)
NIMT, Thailand
I have had the great fortune to work with and for APMP as TCL chair. I feel very privileged to have this opportunity to work with excellent metrologists of all fields from our region.
TCL is such a friendly, collaborative and supportive family to be part of. As such, being TCL chair became an enjoyable task and indeed one of my best memories. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all TCL members, Technical Committee Chairs and Lead Technical Committee Chair, both past and present, for endless collaborations, friendships and supports.
My very best wishes to Dr. Zi Xue who take over as TCL Chair. I look forward to the higher efficiency and the stronger collaboration amongst members of APMP.
Year 2020
Prof. Aimin Zhang

Chair of TCTF (2018 - 2020)
NIM, China
I am very honored to serve APMP as TCTF Chair from the end of 2018 to the end of 2020. It’s great to see APMP has been growing and getting better in recent years, and it is my privilege to have an opportunity to make a little bit contribution. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the EC members, LTCC and other colleagues for their help and kind support in the past 3 years. Although my term of TC Chair is over, I hope my contribution to APMP will continue. 2020 is an unusual year, hope the pandemic will end soon and all the work will return to normal. Best Wishes to APMP, best wishes to all the colleagues!
Year 2020
Dr. Sangil Lee

Chair of CCCAFG (2018 - 2020)
KRISS, Korea
It was my great honor to serve as the Chair of Focus Group of Climate Change and Clean Air during the last three years. I was also very delighted working with APMP colleagues across different TCs and engaging with global, regional and local stakeholders for CCCAFG activities. I would appreciate all APMP members for their engagements during APMP activities. Dr. Kai from NMC/A*STAR will serve as the Chair of the CCCAFG for the next three years. I am pretty sure that Dr. Kai (the incoming Chair of the CCCAFG) will make great efforts to increase the impact of metrology on public and society in the APMP region during his term. I will work with him continuously as a member of the CCCAFG. I wish a happy new year for all APMP members.
Year 2020
Ms. Ajchara Charoensook

Chair of EEFG (2017 – 2019)
NIMT, Thailand
I am extremely honored to receive the APMP Technical Activity Award on Energy Efficiency. Energy Efficiency is not only crucial theme in energy use but in the whole chain from generation, transmission and distribution to the end user. It is a challenging task for Energy Efficiency Focus Group (EEFG) members in applying metrology to enable and improve an efficient operation of energy.
During my term as the chair, I received a lot of support from EEFG members and many organizations from energy sector. My sincere thanks to those who have contributed so much effort and encouragement to EEFG activity. I would also thank APMP for giving me an opportunity to work in this project.
Year 2020
Dr. Sheng-Jui Chen

Chair of MMFG (2015 – 2019)
CMS/ITRI, Chinese Taipei
I am very honored that I had this opportunity to serve as the first MMFG chair, and I am very grateful to my institute CMS/ITRI for trusting and assigning this not a very easy job to me. I can still recall how clueless I felt when organizing the 1st MMFG's meeting in Beijing in 2015. But thanks to the brilliant focus group members who have been continuing to bring in ideas and inspirations, the MMFG is able to develop and begin to carry out practical collaborations. Among these brilliant members, I'd like to give my special thanks to the following colleagues: Dr. Mark Ballico and Dr. Victoria Coleman from NMIA, Dr. Yon-Tae Kim, who is the TCAUV Chair-elect now, and Dr. Il Doh from KRISS, Dr. Yu-Ping Lan from my institute CMS/ITRI and Dr. Ding Xiang from NIM who has been super supportive to the MMFG since day 1. Finally, I'd like to thank APMP Chair, Secretariat, EC members, TC Chairs and DEC chair for your guidance and support. I believe under Dr. Ding's term, the MMFG will bring more impact, and I will do my best to support Dr. Ding and the MMFG.
Year 2020
Dr. Ghufron Zaid

Chair of CWFG (2017-2020)
SNSU-BSN, Indonesia
It is a great honour and privilege for me to chair APMP Clean Water Focus Group (CWFG) from 2017 to the end of 2020, continuing the work of Dr. Pinandito, my boss at that time, who was promoted to a higher position.
I would like to express my gratitude to APMP EC and all APMP members for giving me the opportunity. I would also like to extend my gratitude to DEC Chair, Dr. Angela Samuel, and TCQM Chairs, Dr. Ma Liandi and Dr. Inagaki, as well as all FG members for their support and contribution to CWFG activities without which FG activities can’t be carried out successfully. All what have been achieved by the CWFG can’t happen without their contributions. Also it is impossible for me to manage and run the FG without the help of my great team. Dyah, Nurul, Azum and Christine have helped a lot through-out my term. I am sure the next chair can improve the CWFG even further, to make it more relevant to the stakeholders because clean water is essential to the quality of our lives.
Quality Water, Quality life. Thank you all!
APMP Young Metrologist Prize for Developing Economies.
Year 2020
Dr. Kittiya Shearman

NIMT, Thailand
I would like to thank to the committee for awarding me the 2020 APMP Young Metrologist Prize for Developing Economies (DEN). Also, thank you to my institute for nominating me and to Dr. Charun Yafa, the head of Chemical Metrology and Biometry Department of NIMT, for giving me opportunities to work on many projects. Last but not least, thanks to my family, my husband and my two daughters who always support and encourage me. I started my career as a metrologist soon after I graduated from the UNSW, Australia in 2009. Without experience from the National Measurement Institute of Australia (NMIA) during my Ph.D thesis, I would not have made it this far.
Being awarded the 2020 APMP Young Metrologist for DEN is the greatest honor in my professional career. It has encouraged me to continue to do my best in contributing to the Thailand and global metrology communities.

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