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Greetings from APMP Chairperson 2022


Dear APMP colleagues and friends, 

Here comes the spring of the new year. Let me first extend my best regards and new year greetings to all of you. The world today is still in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, we  have seen the vaccination working effectively, and hopefully we will be able to see each other  face to face in the near future.  

As for APMP, in 2021, our fight against the pandemic made important progress. The APMP  COVID-19 Response Programme has been running for more than one year. Till now, 5 projects  have been supported with about USD 100 000 in total. Interested members are welcome to join  this programme.  

In 2021, APMP recognised the importance of digital transformation and prepared itself to  embrace the trend. At the 37th APMP General Assembly, we were glad to announce the establishment of the Focus Group on Digital Transformation in Metrology (DXFG). Looking forward to  the journey ahead, we are excited to embrace digital transformation, which is part of promoting  research excellence in emerging areas, identified as the work priority of 2022. 

All these achievements would not have been possible without the generous support and cooperation of our colleagues and friends. Here, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to EC  members, all Committee Chairs and the Secretariat. I also feel deep gratitude to APMP members  and partner organisations around the world. 

This February, China has celebrated the advent of spring and embraced the Year of the Tiger. In  the Chinese culture, tigers symbolise bravery and strength. With the joint efforts of us all, I hope  that the world will have an early victory against the pandemic, and I wish everyone a healthy  and auspicious new year!


FANG Xiang

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