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The Application of Acoustics, Vibration and Ultrasound Metrology in Transportation Industry

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Nowadays, technology of transportation has been continuously and rapidly developed. The advanced technologies in acoustics, ultrasound and vibration measurements are necessary to define product quality and public safety in transportation industries. However, due to the lack of facilities, techniques and expertise, the metrological services are not well established in Asia Pacific region.


The Acoustics and Vibration Metrology Department at NIMT realizes the importance of the acoustics, ultrasound and vibration measurements applied in the transportation industries, such as railway, automobile, aviation, shipping, etc. Our accumulated experiences can support the needs of the transportation sector by applying the metrology into the related fields. Therefore, we strongly initiated a project named ‘TCAUV TCI workshop’ and invited representatives of NMIs from several countries in Asia Pacific Metrology Program (APMP) to join, disseminate, and exchange the relevant technical knowledge and know-how about the applications of acoustics, ultrasound and vibration measurements in the transportation industries.


The TCI project aims to share technical know-how and valuable experiences of calibration services in the acoustics, ultrasound and vibration fields, and provide some technical guidance and training courses to the participants from the regional economy members. On-site technical visit at automobile manufacturer and hands-on training lab of calibration were arranged. A special topic on the research of NMI primary system and traceability issues for transportation industries was planned. In addition, a dedicated session of the extension and conclusion of the 2011 TCI project ‘Primary shock acceleration comparison with laser interferometry’ was contained in plans. Eighteen to twenty attendees from 8 to 10 economies and other attendees from transportation industries, calibration equipment manufacturers, stakeholders were expected. 4-days dedicated workshop provided in Thailand is advantageous to the attendees for both metrological knowledge and practical skills in the fields of acoustics, ultrasound and vibration for the transportation industries.


There are two expected goals from the two main tasks of this project

  • Technical training courses

The training courses can encourage the dissemination and exchange of technical knowledge about the application of acoustics, vibration, and ultrasound metrology in transportation industries. Several techniques and experiences were shared via the presentations by 14 speakers. A total of 74 participants (including 14 people from NMIs in APMP TCAUV group, 5-international and 55-Thai attendees from other organizations), have opportunities to discuss and learn something new from the presentations. Furthermore, the training can gain knowledge, and open the new ideas to establish calibration systems for the transportation industries. 

  • Technical visits

Thai Airways (Heavy Maintenance Department) and Bangkok Mass Transit System Public Company Limited (Bangkok’s BTS Skytrain) are important transportation systems in Thailand and typical of the transportation sector. Visiting these places gives participants a practical exposure and the working protocols of the transportation industries. It gains practical knowledge apart from the theoretical knowledge prior shared in the technical training.


This project expects to enhance the capability of NMIs members in acoustics, vibration, and ultrasound metrology and raise awareness of the metrology in transportation industries. Traceable calibration services related to these metrological fields are expected to be developed, improved, and widely provided in the transportation industries. 

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