70th EC meeting, Mongolia, Jun 2023
Meeting documents
EC-70.03.2-Review of Pending Actions from EC-69.pdf
EC-70.04-Review of EC member and committee chair.pdf
EC-70.05-Treasurer Report.pdf
EC-70.06-Review of TCI&FGI Programme Status.pdf
EC-70.07-Review of APMP Response Programme Against COVID-19.pdf
EC-70.08-Updates from APMP-APAC PTWG.pdf
EC-70.09-Updates as a EC Liaison with E-learning, DEC, Fee Revision WG.pdf
EC-70.10-AAC_Report_MYM 2023.pdf
EC-70.11.1-Arrangement plans for GA 2023.pdf
EC-70.11.2-Future Midyear host.pdf